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Robins Administration Building

425 Sixth Street
Havre, Montana 59501
(406) 395-8550
Map to Robins Administration Building

Building Receptionist     Molly Baltrusch
Hours of Operation     8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Summer Hours     7:00 to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday

Robins Administration Building houses the central administration offices and the support teams for the district are coordinated from Robins as well. Many programs and services change over time and we apologize in advance if you cannot find the proper contact. If this happens, please call Robins at the phone number listed above and we will make sure you are put into contact with the proper person.
Robins Staff
Title First Name Last Name Phone Extension
Accounts Payable Kylene Vancampen 6708
Assistant Superintendent Holly Bitz 6720
Assistant Supt. Secretary Bethany Jensen 6701
Community Education Tiffany Olsen 6721
Computer Tech Colton Robbins 6718
Copy Center Lynn Bailey 6726
Data Systems Manager Kelly Veis 6719
District Clerk Moses Deanon 6713
Information Supervisor Aaron Hanson 6717
MTSS Director Lisa Passon 6711
Nurse Jeri Erickson 6704
Occupational Therapist Angela Nyberg 6722
Parent Portal Manager Kelly Veis 6719
Payroll Clerk Cathy Kihara 6707
Psychologist Lesli Adams 6706
Receptionist Molly Baltrusch 6700
Secretary Special Ed Molly Baltrusch 6704
Special Services Director Cheryl Russell 6705
Superintendent Brian Gum 6702
Superintendent Secretary Rebecca Burnell 6712